Dear Harry Sparnaay, thank you for all your enormous positive energy, so many people enjoyed your lessons and coachings and stories – bass clarinetists and many other musicians. We will keep on going with your passion and work, the bass clarinet and the contemporary music.
Harry Sparnaay (1944-2017)
CONCERT to remember and honor Harry Sparnaay (1944-2017):
10-june-2018 15:00 Bimhuis, Amsterdam (program & line-up)
pictures below by Elisabeth Melchior:
Articles, columns with memories in English and Dutch about Harry Sparnaay:
NRC Handelsblad lees
Column Vrije Geluiden door Aad van Nieuwkerk lees
Volkskrant lees
The Clarinet/Saxophone (UK) read
De Klarinet lees
The bass clarinet, a personal history by Harry Sparnaay
Ladder of Escape 1 – Harry Sparnaay bass clarinet solo Attacca Records
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Documentaire van Hans Hylkema over componist TRISTAN KEURIS, ‘componist met de gouden handjes‘
(Harry Sparnaay aan het woord vanaf 35min)
Documentaire van Hans Hylkema over jazzmusicus ERIC DOLPHY, ‘De laatste sessie‘
(Harry Sparnaay aan het woord vanaf 53min)